Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Without Extreme Exercises!

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Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Without Extreme Exercises!

If you think you "must" go to the gym or do extreme exercises to lose weight, please, consider changing your point of view. According to the experts there are very effective and healthy ways to lose weight without even stepping a gym.
This is especially useful if you don't have the money or the time for a gym membership.
Or maybe you can't or want to do any strenuous workout. If this is the case, this article is for you.
Let's talk first about some eating tips to accelerate the process of losing weight:
Enzymes are proteins that help you digest and absorb nutrients. They help your body lose weight.
Here's a mental image:
Have you ever played the game Pac-man?
Enzymes are like "Pac-man's" that enters your body and help you break up the food for a proper digestion and absorption. This is vital if you want to lose weight.
How to get them?

  • Buying Digestive enzymes supplements
  • Eating more papaya

Eat Earlier
If you eat earlier during the day your body will help you burn fat. If you eat by night, your body will produce fat instead.
Healthy ways to lose weight without the struggle.
The following is a quote from the Emory University School of Medicine:
"If exercise were a pill, it would be the most widely prescribed medication in the world"
Actual studies show that the exercise you do doesn't have to be extreme or painful. Those same studies indicate that short intense exercises with plenty of rest can help you both weight and even get you a leaner one.
For example, did you know that Olympic sprinters don't do long, extreme or painful exercises?
Have a look at Olympic sprinter Carl Lewis; if you make a search for him on Google you'll find he is so lean you can see every muscle on his body.
Why do sprinters usually have less than 5% body fat?
A recent publication says:
"Both are in great shape and are rarely overweight, but the sprinter's body is so lean you can see every vein and muscle on his body. A professional sprinter will often have a lower body fat percentage than any other sport.
And yet, sprinters don't do any cardio"
Why does it work?
For 3 reasons:
1) It will increase your insulin sensitivity
2) It will increase your leptin sensitivity
3) It creates an after burn effect
Both insulin and leptin sensitivity are essential if you're trying to lose weight. In fact you don't have to become an Olympic sprinter to get results.
As you can see, there are healthy ways to lose weight without doing any extreme exercises. Try it and you will see the results.
Robin Araoz Palmer used to weigh 242 lbs. For almost 4 years ago he decided to make a change. He lost more than 60 lbs in 6 months without dieting. Instead he educated himself on how to eat properly. Would you like to know more? Go to