How to Lose Weight Naturally, Healthily and Without Feeling Deprived

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How to Lose Weight Naturally, Healthily and Without Feeling Deprived

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting or depriving yourself? And even more so, is it possible to lose weight without using diet or slimming products? Yes it is possible! In fact, losing weight without dieting, slimming products or depriving yourself is the best possible way to lose weight. It may take a little longer, but there is more chance you will stick to the program if you can eat the food that nurtures your body instead of eating diet food or using slimming products, or feeling deprived.
So the question is, what should you be eating to lose weight?
It's rather simple actually. We need to get back to basics and start eating a diet that nurtures our bodies, so the focus should be on what the body needs for optimum function, and not simply to lose weight - if you eat what your body needs, it will lose weight automatically. That's the beauty of eating a natural, healthy diet! You stop worrying yourself about calories, grams, fat, etc. and just enjoy the natural, whole foods God provided for your, and the weight will just drop. You will find that you will also eat less because your body is getting the nutrition it requires, and you are less likely to pig out on natural, whole foods.
Let's look at a list of ideal properties in the foods God created for the human body:
1. Must supply our glucose needs (energy).
2. Must have adequate protein (the body only needs 1 gram protein per 2kg body weight). This means you need to eat only half a cup of nuts or seeds (raw) three times a week. I say NUTS because the human body does not need meat, contrary to popular belief, but that's a whole new topic...
3. Essential amino acids (derived from certain fruits, nuts and some veggies).
4. Must contain adequate minerals - there are two groups of minerals required, and they are macrominerals and microminerals. These are found in nuts, sesame seeds, chickpeas, tofu, oats, cows milk, whole grains, most fruits and some veggies, baked potatoes with skin, wheatgerm.
5. Must supply our needs for essential fatty acids - the most important one is linoleic acid which is found in cold pressed vegetable oils (olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, flaxseed oil) and most seeds, nuts, avocados, coconuts and raw sweet corn. The important thing is that the oil must not be heated or processed.
6. Must have vitamin adequacy - found in fresh fruit, raw garden salads, steamed green and yellow veggies, some nuts, seeds, avos, sprouts, legumes and cooked whole grains. The two types needed are water soluble (needed daily as they are not stored). These are found in green veggies, sprouts, avos, and nutritional yeast. The fat soluble type (needed 3 - 5 times a week) is found in yellow veggies and plant oil rich food.
7. Must be water sufficient - fresh fruit and veggies meet our water needs.
8. Must be alkaline forming - these foods are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, all raw fruit, veggies, almonds, sprouts. Acid forming foods are all processed foods, flesh foods, grains (except millet), seeds. You should be eating a minimum of 80% alkaline forming foods each day.
9. Must be non-toxic - which means no preservatives or additives.
10. Must be edible in their raw state - the highest quality foods are natural raw foods.
11. Must be digested and utilised in the most efficient way - simple foods such as raw fruit and veggies are easy to digest and assimilate. Our digestive systems are designed to process these types of foods.
12. Must be easily digested, which means overeating is a no-no, as well as eating when not hungry, not chewing food properly.
In essence, the very best foods to eat for peak health, and to lose weight, are foods in their raw and natural state, which are not genetically modified or sprayed with chemicals, and are grown in rich soil. These include fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains as well as raw oils, such as coconut oil, flax seed oil and cold pressed virgin olive oil. Contrary to popular belief, milk, cheese and meat are really bad for our bodies and are cancer forming. You would do well to avoid them as much as possible.
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