Weight Management and Weight Loss Program Advice For All Types

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Weight Management and Weight Loss Program Advice For All Types

If you are being hard on yourself because of a few extra pounds I understand where you are coming from. Putting on weight seems very easy to do, and taking it off seems harder. However, if we understand where the majority of the extra weight comes from, then we will have an easy time taking off the pounds.

The majority of our excess weight comes from stress believe it or not. When our body is stressed it releases a hormone called cortisol which actually assists in fat production. This is not something that you will be told often, because lets face it, most people have forgotten how to stop, slow down and chill out. We take vacations so that we can relax for two weeks out of the year. How did we get to that point? We stopped paying attention to what is really important in our lives.

When was the last time you really took time for yourself to get into a good book or watch the sun rise or set? It may sound easy, but if you work most of the time and rush from one place to the next, then relaxing will seem new to you.
First of all, let me explain why relaxing is so important.

Relaxing improves our mindset and our overall health. It literally changes the makeup of our cells, improving our immune system while making us stronger. Our mind also becomes stronger when we are relaxed because we are able to deal with situations in a much more rational and accepting way. Our body doesn't age as fast when we are in this state for obvious reasons.

Now that we know how many benefits there are to relaxing we can apply it to weight management and weight loss program advice for all types. If the idea is to increase our relaxation level to lose weight, then the answer is to practice exercises that are geared for just that. Whenever you possibly can, focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply while feeling your own presence. You will feel lighter immediately. I love this because you can do this anywhere.

As for workouts, the best ones that I have found that compliment relaxation are yoga and tai chi. Both exercises can be as challenging as you want and are great for a full body workout. Unlike doing intense cardio workouts where you feel tired afterward, these exercises will clear your mind and leave you feeling energized and relaxed. They emphasize the importance of change and fluidity, which is essential to the existence of life.