5 Ways to Lose Weight Most Intelligently and Effectively

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5 Ways to Lose Weight Most Intelligently and Effectively

You neither need to go on an austere diet nor need to "force" yourself to practice exercises beyond your strength. You just need to learn and reasonably apply the following smart weight loss methods to remove the hateful folds of fat and regain a sexy slim waist!

The decisive factor for successful weight loss in these methods is not the measurement and calculation of the calorie intake and consumption but it is that you must control yourself, remember, and properly implement the methods. This is the most necessary thing.

1. Control your craving in 30 seconds before eating
Hunger leads you to gobble right after you sit at the table without remembering your weight that is above the threshold. This is totally bad! You should spend 30 seconds in considering carefully what you're going to eat. This is very helpful for your weight loss process.
With a 30-second consideration, you now should answer to the question if you really need to load energy to the body or not. If the hunger is a fake one which may be due to stress, despair, and sadness... you should confide in somebody or go outside to relax instead of drowning in mountains of foods full of fat.

2. You should only eat your fill of 80%
Today, you just eat as usual but pay a bit attention to your fill. Tomorrow, you should eat until you are near full only.
Do not eat to satiety. Try to create a scale from 1 - 10. Level 1 is hungry and level 10 is satiety. You should always evaluate what level you are when starting a meal. Experts recommend that you should end the meal when reaching the levels of 6 - 8. Eating slowly will make you feel full longer. The most important thing is you need to remember that you should only eat your fill of 80% or less.
3. Concentrate on eating
You must concentrate while working. Therefore, you also must concentrate while eating. Do you know that the TV and computer are the main factors distracting your attention from your food? They can make you easily eat fast and even cause you not to have enough time to taste the full flavors of dishes.
The faster you eat, the fatter you are. The solution is to turn off the TV, computer, and other recreational facilities while you are eating. You should concentrate on your meal and eat slowly to taste the foods. This makes you have a good appetite and the feeling of true fullness.

4. Food diary
Building a daily diet diary is also a good weight loss method that you should consider. Besides, you should also write down your feelings before and after eating.
Especially, you should regularly check if you are too full after eating or not. All these things will help you evaluate your body's feeling when you are not too full, your adaptation to the new diet, and harmful impacts on your weight loss plan. When reading the diary again, you will easily recognize and will not repeat mistakes.

5. Food choices
Once you have started to become familiar with the above weight loss methods, you should have a high sense of foods bought in markets or supermarkets. You should eat a bit of something before going to buy food because the feeling of fullness will make you restrain yourself more.

You should go to the areas of fruits, vegetables, and fat-low foods... and pick them to fill your fridge with these foods. You should always have food whenever you are hungry. The most important principle of weight loss is you do not let yourself be hungry. Skipping meals is the source of weight gain. Therefore, you should eat when you are hungry and eat foods with health benefits.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luna_Nguyen