How to Eat Without Gaining Weight

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How to Eat Without Gaining Weight

Fasting is not the only way to lose weight. It is even a very extreme method. Healthy weight loss is to know how to choose suitable food and reasonable diet.

Eat lots of fruits
The abundant amount of fiber in fruits is really helpful for your weight reduction process. In your digestive system, if you provide enough fiber, they help remove fat in the most natural way. Fruits contain very low amount of sugar, it allows you to reduce your blood sugar level significantly in your body.

Prioritize protein
Many people make ​​the mistake of cutting protein foods because they are afraid that they cause weight gain. But in fact if you want to reduce weight you should eat plenty of lean meats, fish and seafood... The advantage of the protein is to provide your body with an adequate amount of nutrients without making you fat. Especially, your body needs to consume a large amount of energy to digest protein after meals so it is good for losing weight. Protein always helps maintain the operation of mechanical systems.

Avoid low fat foods
Low-fat foods, including dairy products (0%), certainly contain a very little amount of fat. But mathematically, this kind of food contains higher level of sugar. It makes your body produce more insulin and therefore, increase accumulation in fat cells. For dairy products, people prefer goat and sheep milk because these animals eat grass (not corn, soybean or sunflower). Also, because their milk contains the highest amount of fatty acids.

Limit fructose
Fructose makes you gain weight. It was found in the form of "syrup" in most industrial processing products because it entered the food industry. It is calculated that 12% of daily calories of the American is provided by fructose corn! It clogs your liver. As a result, this organ can't metabolize fat but in contrast reserve them.
This is a positive move to support significantly for obesity and diabetes. Fructose in fruits does not affect these two diseases, but there is still sugar in it. Therefore, you should limit yourself in eating only two fruits a day.

Choose the type of sugar
The more sugar you consume, the more fat tissue increases its capacity in storage. The types of sugar with high blood sugar index (white breads or bread crumbs, cooked pasta, candies, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, potatoes... ) stimulate your body to produce more insulin, which produces lipids significantly and fill your body with fat cells.
It is recommended that all sugars with low blood sugar index (under 55) like pasta, cooked rice, beans, foods (breads, cereals) and of course, fruits and vegetables. Also, you should avoid strokes and curb your sugar cravings. It could result in eating whatever contains sugar.
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