Is Green Tea Good For Weight Loss?

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Is Green Tea Good For Weight Loss?

It is common for green tea to be mentioned where losing weight is needed. This is because studies go to prove that the tea has the necessary compounds which help in losing weight. It manages to play this role through increasing metabolism, suppressing the appetite and increasing the rate of fat burning. The combination of effects got from the compounds and antioxidants that it has makes it an amazing superfood. It is one of the best that you can settle for to achieve your weight loss goals.

How It Promotes Weight Loss
Green tea has a good concentration of caffeine, a compound that increases thermogenesis. This is the process that is involved in the burning of calories important to losing weight. Decreased metabolism makes it harder to lose weight, but with the needed compounds, green tea is able to increase the rate of metabolism to aid fast fat burn. It also works on weight by inhibiting catechol-O-methyltransferase. This is an enzyme which triggers the brain chemical breakdown involved in the regulation of appetite. In the end, appetite is suppressed and with increased metabolism, the tea not only helps burn fat but also keeps it off.

Is It Effective?
The catechins found in green tea are the antioxidants that make the tea effective in aiding weight loss through increased metabolism. This is because increased metabolism translates into more burning of fats and this sees to the burning of the stored fats from different parts of the body leading to reduction of weight. It can therefore be said that green tea helps in moderating weight reduction in overweight people. It is however very important to note that the tea alone might not achieve the weight loss goals that you have. You will need to incorporate a healthy diet and an exercise regime which helps in boosting proper healthy weight loss. Losing weight also revolves around complete lifestyle change, especially as far as dieting habits are concerned. You must include them all with your tea, taking to enjoy faster healthier results.

Is It Safe?
This is a natural fat loss food making it very safe for human consumption. It is however very important to make sure that you stick to daily intakes that are healthy and beneficial. When you take too much of the tea, say like more than 5 cups, you could end up suffering from side effects which are caffeine related. They can include nervousness, irregular heartbeat, sleep problems and headaches. Too much of the tea can also aggravate high blood pressure, diabetes and anxiety. If you suffer from these chronic conditions, it is important to consult your doctor before taking the tea for weight loss.
You can take the tea in tea form or in supplement form depending on the method you feel is most suitable for you. The best results however call for much more than just drinking green tea.
There are various other health benefits of green tea apart from weight loss. To find out more and other tips for healthy weight loss, please go to
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