A Quick Guide to Weight Loss for Beginners

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A Quick Guide to Weight Loss for Beginners

One mistake that people make when they start a weight loss program is not eating. Losing weight is as simple as balancing the amount of calories consumed with the amount of calories burned by the body. In order to lose weight, you must be able to increase the amount of food burned by the body and reduce the food intake. It is not an easy task but this guide will help you reach your goal without sacrificing your health.

Count the Calories
You might say that counting calories is a tedious thing to do each day, but it is a way to achieve a successful weight loss program. Keep in mind that a pound is equal to 3,500 calories. If you divide it into seven days, then it is 500 calories each day. Reducing the amount of calories as well as exercising will allow you to reach that goal. And doing it daily will result to a pound each week. To be able to have a specific calorie count goal, consult a doctor or a nutritionist. Just make sure that the daily calorie count doesn't go under 1,200 or else the body's metabolism rate will slow down.

Record the Calories
Counting is just the first step of your weight loss program. In order to maintain your diet, you should monitor your calorie intake and record it in a journal. There are also apps that allow you to keep track of your calories. Each time you eat something, you should write it down in the journal. 50 calories might not be a lot, but they could add up. You should also record your progress by weighing yourself at least twice a week.

Measure your Food
There's no better way of knowing how much you eat each day than measuring your food before each meal. Be sure you have a food scale, measuring cups and spoons at hand in order to have the correct portions for every meal. After some time, you will already be familiarized with the right portions by just looking at them.

Start an Exercise Routine
Diet is just one-half of your weight loss program. The other half is exercise. An hour of exercise that's done at least five days a week is needed to burn calories. Walking around the block is a good start but it is not enough to reduce your body fat. Your exercise routine must include high-intensity classes for strength training, cardio and stretching.

Patience is the Key
Just like anything in life, patience is important in order to reach your ideal weight. Undergoing a crash diet is unhealthy and will just lead to a yo-yo effect. A successful weight loss program takes time, and you need to have a lot of perseverance and patience in order to achieve your goal.

For more info and tips in regards to weight loss, please feel free to check out my site LosingWeightDietBooks.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rhonda_M_Lee