How Spider Vein Removal Is Done

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How Spider Vein Removal Is Done

By Stella Gay

Blood vessel disorder result from both natural and lifestyle causes in human bodies. For example, natural and lifestyle causes are major causes for spider vein, a medical condition affecting blood vessels. The vessels uniquely stick out on the skin making them simple to notice.

Some of the properties of these veins are that they are large, raised, and appear swollen. Normally they are twisted and turned, appearing in the legs and face and visible through the skin. Like stated earlier, causes for this condition are both artificial and natural. Major ones include obesity, use of control pills, blood clots history, heredity, and postmenopausal hormonal replacement. Treatments are many, but spider vein removal is one among the major treatments widely available in Austin, TX.

Both women and men are affected by spider vein disorder, but research indicates that the frequency is higher in women especially as they age. Other studies in America discovered that 30-60% of the adult population are likely to suffer the condition. The symptoms to this disorder are very specific and they include cramping and aching pain in feet. The other major sign is tingling, burning, restlessness, fatigue, throbbing, and heaviness sensation in the legs.

Some among the short-term remedy include lifting the legs because a sense of relief is normally associated with it. Wearing support hose can also do the task quite well. Pregnancy and certain points during the menstrual cycle seem to worsen the condition in women. Less common symptoms include ulcers, swelling of legs, and darkening of skin around the ankle region. Thrombophlebitis may also result in rare cases.

Available treatment option include changing lifestyle, surgery, laser and intense pulsed light, radiofrequency occlusion, endovenous laser treatment, and sclerotherapy and one can go for any of them. Lifestyle changes work best for conditions still in the infancy stage. As such, treatment through lifestyle changes may only be effective if the condition is discovered early enough. However, the condition may come back if previous lifestyles are resumed.

Under some circumstances, the condition is made worse by over-enlarged blood. When that happens, treatment options start to become less, with surgery topping the list of available choices. Ligation and stripping are the main processes involved in surgery. Ligation is where the vessels are tied while in stripping the tied vessels are eliminated in tiny segments in long strips. Additionally, ambulatory phlebectomy is available when stitches are not needed because it removes the affected vessels in small incisions.

Surgery is only applicable on large veins like it is mentioned above and may be conducted under different anesthesia conditions. Patients can go back home the same day without being admitted in the hospital. It is good to know that most insurance firms do not cover the costs for the treatment. As such, consulting with the insurer before going for the treatment would be a good idea.

Cost for the treatment for the removal procedure is variable. Different states charge differently depending on different factors. Some of the factors may include level of severity and location of the vessels. The process can be performed in the office, on an outpatient basis.

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