Discover Ways Pregnancy Discomfort Can Be Alleviated With A Lawrenceville Chiropractor

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Discover Ways Pregnancy Discomfort Can Be Alleviated With A Lawrenceville Chiropractor

By Harriett Simington

Chiropractic is centered on the premise that when the spine is not properly aligned, pressure is placed on the nervous system. Health problems usually result when nerve signals are not transmitted correctly. Chiropractic utilizes advanced techniques and technologies to properly align the spine, activating the body's natural healing processes. An alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic procedures are non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical. Safe for the whole family, chiropractic can effectively alleviate the pain and discomfort that many women experience during pregnancy.

Back issues are especially troubling for pregnant women. During this period their bodies have to keep readjusting to balance the weight of the growing child. The center of gravity shifts during pregnancy, and that might be very uncomfortable. Lower back pain is usually most prevalent during the last couple of months. With chiropractic help however, some of this distress can be relieved.

Chiropractic care provides other benefits to pregnant women. A considerable number of patients report that labor and delivery occurred more rapidly than prior births without chiropractic care. One study revealed that women experienced 25-31% shorter labors when they received chiropractic care during pregnancy.

If you are still have issues with your back after the baby is born, you might consider contacting the chiropractic office to make an appointment for evaluation. Ligaments may loosen during pregnancy, but they usually realign after about ten weeks.

Your first visit will probably consist of your professional asking you for your complete medical history. He or she may perform a complete physical exam. Once the problem has been pinpointed, your practitioner can come back to you with recommendations about going forward. At this point, you have the option of accepting all the suggestions or deciding you want to begin slowly and then determine how you will proceed with future appointments.

Enhancing health outcomes for people of all ages, the Lawrenceville chiropractor helps pregnant women achieve higher levels of health and vitality during pregnancy and after delivery.

Lawrenceville Chiropractor

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