Indications You Need To Visit Hair Loss Clinic For Women

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Indications You Need To Visit Hair Loss Clinic For Women

By Larry Snyder

There are many things that many people lose every day, and yes, that is including hair. You can lose as many as 50 up to 100 strands every day by just combing or washing your hair in the shower. But there is no need to become anxious yet as this is just a normal cycle where it sheds and gets replaced with new ones.

However, there are still people who lose theirs uncontrollably and in an abnormal manner, which means that they are losing more than the average, which can be a sign of more serious medical problems. This is why there are many people who look for a hair loss clinic for women Delaware so that they will be able to know the causes of such occurrence. Below are some of the most common reasons that may be causing you such trouble.

A person who experiences pregnancy or goes through major operations, drastic loss of weight, or anything that may trigger stress can shed more than what it the normal. This is called telogen effluvium, a condition where someone who experiences excessive stress sheds too much. However, it might also be linked as a side effect of taking anti inflammatory or antidepressant medication.

If you notice your mom or dad have been losing theirs, you might need to become aware that this might also happen to you since alopecia can be passed on to the offspring of two individuals who has it. It is a hereditary condition termed androgenetic alopecia and you may experience it as early as 20 years old where the thinning is most commonly noticed first in the hairline. Getting the blood tested can ascertain whether or not you are experiencing such.

When ones thyroid glands do is too inactive and does not produce enough hormones, it can lead to hypothyroidism. However, when the same gland is over productive and produces too much hormones, it is called hyperthyroidism. Whichever it is, both conditions can cause alopecia so having yourself checked for confirmation and to have such conditions is vital to cure it.

If you have the tendency to avoid iron rich food, there might be a big possibility that you are suffering from IDA or Iron Deficiency Anemia. This condition is characterized by not having enough red blood cells in the blood stream which can cause a lot of symptoms, including baldness. Getting a blood work can determine such and you may be prescribed to take iron rich supplements and food.

A hormonal imbalance in women called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is also linked to this condition. It is when the ovary overproduces male hormones and causes a woman to experience irregular cycles with her period, and acne. And although this can also cause facial hair to grow, in can also cause shedding which happens all throughout the body. A blood testing can ascertain if one is experiencing such.

When you do not take care of your scalp, there may also be tendencies for you to undergo alopecia. This is because an unhealthy scalp might cause it to be inflamed, giving your strands a hard time growing. Consulting a doctor can determine which scalp condition you may have.

Many people think that it is shameful to experience this, but it is not. This is normal and people go through it at least once in their life. Do not be shy to consult the help of an expert so you can address the problem before it goes out of control.

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