Get Help For The Symptoms And Signs Of Menopause Roanoke Women

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Get Help For The Symptoms And Signs Of Menopause Roanoke Women

By Jason Peterson

A woman's body is constantly going through changes and as we age menopause is no different. Menopause is often called the change of life and it is when a woman's hormones begin to decrease such as estrogen and progesterone causing her to body to go through multiple changes and symptoms. If you feel that you have the symptoms or signs of menopause Roanoke female residents, it may be time to talk to your doctor about your healthcare options.

A telltale sign of menopause is when a woman has hot flashes that persist and cause her to feel like the temperature in the room just went up by several degrees. It could be cold outside but some women perspire and feel hot inside. This sign or symptom is different for every woman from mild to severe. A doctor should be consulted if they become unbearable and medications can be given to combat this symptom and provide some relief.

A changing menstrual cycle is another sign that menopause is setting in. If you have overly heavy periods that last for longer than usual or the occasional spotting that lasts only a few days. These could be changes to report to your doctor. If you have not had a period for at least 12 months and begin having them again, this may be a sign of cancer and you should be seen by a qualified medical professional.

Insomnia is often a problem for women during menopause. The inability to sleep soundly or get a good night's rest. This can be brought on by many changes in the body. You should try natural methods and if those do not work talk to your doctor as they may be able to provide a sleep aid to help you.

Sometimes you may experience frequent urination or urinary incontinence. This is because the vaginal lining becomes thin and the surround tissues lose their elasticity causing you to feel like you have to use the bathroom all the time. If this becomes a problem you can strengthen your pelvic muscles by doing Kegel exercises or talking to your doctor about any medication that can help with frequent urination or incontinence.

This can be a time when urinary tract infections are more common. The levels of estrogen decrease in the urinary tract area and make it more prone for bacteria to enter. You may have frequent or painful urination and this needs to be reported to your doctor as they can prescribe antibiotics to get rid of this infection.

You may also lose your libido or sex drive during this time due to vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. Talk with your doctor if this is a problem for you as they can suggest vaginal creams and lubricants that can help with the dryness and or pain.

Every woman is different and will go through this time in her life differently. Menopause is an individual thing but some of the symptoms are common across the board and can be remedied with the right type of treatment and counseling. It is a change that every woman must go through and getting the proper help is very important so that you do not feel alone.

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