With Professional Acne Treatment Boston Sufferers Can Face The World Confidently

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With Professional Acne Treatment Boston Sufferers Can Face The World Confidently

With Professional Acne Treatment Boston Sufferers Can Face The World Confidently

By Christopher Powell

The vast majority of people take trouble with their appearance, especially when going out with friends or preparing for an important event such as a job interview or a function. The last thing that they wish for is pimples to make a sudden appearance. Most people are extremely self concious about their pimples and it is no wonder that the market for remedies has become very large. However, for the best acne treatment Boston sufferers must make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Many people try to avoid pimples from developing by changing their behaviour. Unfortunately there are many misconceptions about the origin of pimples and sufferers therefore take precautions that will certainly not work. For one thing, pimples are not caused by food, not even fast foods, fizzy drinks and sugar. It is not caused by dirt or sweat either. Stress is also not a contributing factor.

Pimples can be caused by many different factors. It may even be hereditary. Oil based cosmetics, especially if worn for long periods at a time cause the hair follicles to become blocked and this can certainly lead to pimples. Exposure to many types of chemicals can also cause clogging and, eventually, pimples. Hormone imbalances, especially in teenagers, have also been proven to result in pimples.

There is much that can be done to treat pimples. Most sufferers opt for over the counter products but if the problem is severe it is best to see a dermatologist. He can prescribe highly effective medication that has been proven to work. Retinoids are commonly prescribed because it helps prevent the follicles from becoming clogged. In some cases antibiotics are very effective and for teenage girls and women, oral contraceptives are often the most effective treatment.

There are also a number of therapies that help, either in conjunction with medication or on its own. Light therapies have proven to be effective, although much research still needs to be done. Some of these therapies can be applied at home but in most cases they are done in the surgery. Chemical peels are also very popular, but they must never be applied while using medication such as Retinoids. Chemical peels can cause irritation and even blistering.

In most cases pimples will clear up eventually without resulting in long term side effects. Some unfortunate sufferers, however, develop scarring. The degree of scarring vary from case to case. This can be treated with chemical peels that remove the outer layer of skin. Laser treatment has also become very popular and soft tissue fillers are very effective in hiding the scars. This involves the injection of fillers under the skin.

There is no precaution or remedy that can provide absolute assurance that pimples will not develop. A number of things can however be done to make the appearance of pimples much less likely. Using water based cosmetics is one of the simplest ways to ensure that the follicles do not become blocked. The face should also be cleaned with a mild cleaner at least twice a day.

For many people the very idea of appearing in public sporting pimples is too awful to even contemplate. When this do happen it is best to see a dermatologist without delay. Home remedies can cause the problem to become worse and, in some cases, it can even cause damage to the skin.

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