The Esthetician Practical Exam 2016: Revision Tips For Beauticians

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The Esthetician Practical Exam 2016: Revision Tips For Beauticians

By Margaret Cole

When asked what their career aspirations are, most young people tend to focus on courses that assure them of white collar jobs. What many do not realize is that there is a lot of potential for financial freedom from blue collar jobs, for instance those in the cosmetics industry. If you ever dream of working in esthetics, you might want to prepare effectively by going through the esthetician practical exam 2016.

When it comes to beauty therapy, true expertise lies in constant practice. Luckily, there are tons of practice materials that you could use to make it easier on your part when the licensing test comes. Past exams, a case in point being the ones done over the last three years, can be easily found at the click of a button. There are websites that provide them free of charge for the benefit of all who are interested.

However, revising a previous paper is simply the easy bit of it all. The real work lies in gaining a thorough grasp of the practicality of the instructions issued. You must know all the correct tools to put into use when at work and how to use them. Some sites include step by step instructions on how different types of procedures have to be undertaken. As such, you should experience a generally smooth learning process.

Videos are always the best study materials to opt for when preparing to ace practical tests. Everyday video hosting sites like YouTube can be of immense help to this effect. A large number of popular videos online have been posted by licensed professionals with tons of experience in the field. By undertaking thorough revision, you will get vital information on the likely types of questions to be asked. It would be wildly beneficial to you if you could study every essential topic.

Exams often get administered in timed sections. The first section usually revolves around the preparation of clients and the work area. Over the years, the standard duration for this section has been 15 minutes. The questions may instruct you to prepare your work area in a manner that is safe and hygienic. Furthermore, you may have to give a demonstration on the right ways to drape clients.

The next three sections usually last ten minutes and involve cleansing techniques, towel steaming and the correct application of massage respectively. If you take your time studying and practicing, there is no doubt these sections will be easy. The secret that many experts use to excel involves going over all the aforementioned procedures over and over again without losing focus.

Later on, hair removal will be tested. This section essentially focuses on the eyebrows. The saving grace is that there is no time limit to it. The final bit, lasting 20 minutes, is about the correct application of makeup.

All said and done, your dedication to practice is the main thing that will keep you a step ahead. During the test, you will undoubtedly make your supervisors happy. With the right amount of confidence, everything will go as planned.

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