For Residents Of Roanoke STD Symptoms Should Be A Cause For Immediate Concern

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For Residents Of Roanoke STD Symptoms Should Be A Cause For Immediate Concern

By Charles Cooper

During the past few decades AIDS has become one of the most commonly known sexually transmitted diseases. There are, however, many other diseases that are transmitted sexually and some of them are just as dreadful as AIDS. These diseases have been known for aeons and is not a characteristic of modern society. Even in a remote location such as Roanoke STD symptoms should be treated without delay.

Far too many people are still under the impression that sexually transmitted diseases can only be transmitted once physical sex, involving the penis and the vagina or the anus has occurred. This is most certainly not the case. Genital touching and even kissing can facilitate the transfer of one or more of these diseases. The use of condoms or other forms of protection can help, but they are not fail safe.

Knowledge and awareness is almost always the very best defence. It is important to know the signs that may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. If any such sign manifest itself, medical help should be sought without delay. It is also vital to remember that everyone is susceptible to these diseases. It is also important, however, to remember that not all of these diseases manifest themselves through observable symptoms.

The best course of action for all sexually active people is to undergo regular screenings for the presence of any of these diseases. Many of them can be treated successfully and quickly if detected at an early stage. This can help prevent some of the common consequences of many types of sexually transmitted diseases, such as infertility, increased susceptibility to HIV infection and the development of certain types of cancer.

There are some signs that one should watch out for. Sudden changes in urination patterns is one of those very important ones. If pain or a burning sensation is experienced during urination or if there is blood in the urine then there is most definitely cause for serious concern. This may be indications of gonorrhoea or genital herpes are settling in. Blood in the urine should also be seen as a potential signal for the presence of an STD.

Conditions such as gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis and chlamydia are also often indicated by means of penal discharges. These conditions are often successfully treated with antibiotics if they are diagnosed at an early stage. Those with multiple sexual partners are at great risk of re infection, however, if their partners are not also tested and treated at the same time. In such cases periodic follow up examinations is highly advisable.

Vaginal discharges and bleeding is another sign that there may be a sexually transmitted disease. The same holds true for pain during sex. Far too many women ignore these signs because they think it is simply part of their menstrual cycle. Discharges and bleeding should prompt an immediate appointment with a medical practitioner because they may indicate not only sexually transmitted diseases, but also some types of cancer.

Nobody, not even children are exempt from the potential of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. The best defence is to be aware of the signs and to undergo regular screening. Those that engage in sexual activities with multiple partners should be especially careful.

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