Water Birth New Jersey - What You Should Know

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Water Birth New Jersey - What You Should Know

By Jason Morgan

If you do not view anesthetics and analgesics in a favorable way, you might consider a birthing pool. Also called water birth, it is just like normal delivery only that it is done with the mother immersed in water. Previously, this has been widely considered pseudo-science, but water birth new jersey has gained wide acceptance because of the increased number of studies done in both in the US and UK which confirm its benefits.

Pools are now offered in maternity suites and hospitals using safe and medically approved methods. If planned properly, it can also be done at home with the assistance of a midwife or a doctor. Hydro birthing is not only for low-risk pregnancy but with medical guidance; it can be performed in high-risk pregnancy as well. Below are the benefits which you can achieve using a birthing pool:

There is nothing more discouraging when you have your heart set on a particular method of natural childbirth, but all the feedback you get is negative. Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to water births. There is a misconception surrounding the issue of waterbirths. Some people think they are dangerous. Well, there are risks to giving birth however it is done. Medical childbirth is no exception to this phenomenon!

Some people worry that their baby will drown if they give delivery in hydro. The baby still receives oxygen via the placenta, and it is only once any part of the baby's skin comes in contact with the air, that the baby switches to using its lungs. Many studies have been done observing babies born in deep tanks, where they have remained under the hydro for many minutes before coming to the surface.

The hydro has a soothing and relaxing effect. It is thought to reduce the production of the hormones which induce stress. As a result, the mother is calmer, and the severity of the pain is reduced. The perineum is also more relaxed due to the effect of the hydro, and the risk of rupture is significantly reduced.

There are definite advantages of a waterbirth if you're a "mom in waiting." Warm hydro assists in pain relief so the need for taking pain killers is reduced and you'll find it a lot easier to move and change positions in the hydro. This will enable you to handle better contractions which will ease the birth process.

Being surrounded by warm hydro will help you relax and remain alert at the same time which is much better than being "numbed" by anesthetic drugs. Having a hydro delivery will also be better for baby. The fewer drugs mom has to take, the fewer drugs will end up in baby's system and the more comfortable and alert he will be.

If you are considering a waterbirth, you'll need to find a midwife or doula who is familiar with a water childbirth and will be able to help you through the process. You'll also need to find a suitable birthing pool. These are available for rent which makes them quite cost-effective. I hope this information will help you be aware of the healthy advantages of having a water delivery and that you will find the experience a rewarding one, both for yourself and your baby.

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