Releasing Your "rivers Of Energy Flow" Through Acupuncture With A Chiropractor In Nashville TN

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Releasing Your "rivers Of Energy Flow" Through Acupuncture With A Chiropractor In Nashville TN

By Elinor Hain

If you suffer from neck, low back or shoulder pain, you might already wonder if acupuncture could work for you. It is practiced by a licensed chiropractor in Nashville TN can relief pain and help your body begin or renew its healing process.

What are a "Rivers of Energy?"

Meridians of power that flow through the body are also referred to in ancient Chinese medicine as Rivers of Energy. These rivers flow all through you, but especially through the arms and legs. During sessions, needles will be placed in strategic places that help to unblock any stoppages in the flow. The name of the energy flowing is called Qi, which is pronounced like 'chee.' Any practitioner will know how the flows work, so they can pinpoint where there might be a block in order to help you unblock it. By doing this, pain and pressure can be lessened or in some cases alleviated altogether, which helps you feel better.

The Rivers of Energy

Some chiropractors offer it as part of their services. However, it originated as a technique of traditional Chinese medicine. Your chiropractor uses thin needles or electrical stimulation to trigger acupoints located at specific spots in your body. Blocked Qi, or energy, created pain. However, stimulating one or more of the 300 acupoints is believed to help a body part or organ unblock the energy flowing to it and relieve pain.

Acupunture and Your Chiropractor

A number of patients who try it claim that it relieves chronic pain. According to the Washington Post, the results of 29 studies involving 17,922 people who had back and neck pain, chronic headaches, osteoarthritis, or shoulder pain showed that those treated with acupuncture reported higher rates of relief than those receiving no remedy. All you need to do is call for an appointment, and you will get a chance to have an initial consultation to see if you are a good candidate.

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