Things You Need To Know About Gynecologist And What They Do

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Things You Need To Know About Gynecologist And What They Do

By Ann McDonald

Gynecology is a medical practice with dealing the health of reproductive systems for female like the vagina, breasts, ovaries and uterus. Its male counterpart is known as andrology. Most modern gynecologist are also obstetricians which is the field dealing with childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum. These two fields overlap usually in many areas which were combined as OB/GYN surgical field.

Visiting these professionals means you would be responsible with your body and learn how to properly take care if them. You can search for clinics or hospitals having a Reno gynecologist to let them check you and determine how healthy your reproductive systems are. Here are a few things you should know about them including what they can do.

Reasons to see a gynecologist include the ability of helping you understand and learn the proper ways of taking care of your body. They would help you determine the normal state your body has on these things because each person has a different one and this lets you notice changes. These changes can be signs of having problems like a vaginal infection.

Going to them lets them find earlier the problems so they can be immediately treated and prevent it to become worse. They would explain normal vaginal discharge and teach you in determining if there are problems with your discharge. They will be teaching you as well the ways to protect yourself whenever you have sex.

You may be wondering when is the best time to start going to a gynecologist and most medical and health organizations recommend at the age of thirteen to fifteen. When you were unable to go at this time then be sure to visit them specially if you start experiencing the following. First is when you had sex already, anal, oral or vaginal or did an intimate sexual contact.

When your periods started but it has not been a regularly occurring one, meaning instead of it happening on similar dates each month, it is erratic. It can be problematic too if they happen more than once a month or it had been three months since the last time you got it. This includes missing it after having sex.

Visit them when you reached also the age of fifteen or it had been three years since your breasts began growing and no period still. You have problematic periods when you are experiencing great pain, or heavier or longer bleeding. But look out for the most important symptoms which are having stomach pain, fluid with strong smell and fever because these might indicate a pelvic inflammatory disease.

The gynecologist will be asking questions during your visit to know more about you, your family and your medical history. You might ask them questions also related with reproductive health which you may have. Inform them if you are also sexually active so they can do some tests n finding out if you are infected with sexually transmitted disease.

Like most doctors, they would do normal routine check ups like measuring weight, blood pressure and height. They may do breast exams as well as check your genitals. They may perform other tests if they ever need it.

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