Solving Fertility Problems With Intrauterine Fertilization

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Solving Fertility Problems With Intrauterine Fertilization

By Deborah Carter

Fertility has been a concern of human beings from the beginning of civilization. People have always been preoccupied with their ability to reproduce. This is one of the reasons fertility plays such a powerful role in most cultural practices. Unfortunately, fertility problems have been around from the very beginning of mankind's existence on earth and they remain an issue today. Thankfully, though, science and technology have evolved to the point where options such as intrauterine fertilization are available to those who wish to conceive but are facing challenges doing so.

This method is one of the many modern assisted reproductive techniques or ARTs that eliminate the traditional conception methods are offered to couples who struggle to conceive. It resolves the problems that contribute to infertility because it eliminates the need for the traditional method of conception, sexual intercourse.

Also known as IUI, the procedure involves the insertion of retrieved and sometimes treated sperm into the uterine cavity. This makes it easier for fertilization of the egg to take place. Naturally, therefore, the procedure is typically done within the same time frame as ovulation.

Typically couples challenged by sperm motility and count issues often conceive successfully through this method. The quality of sperm is typically assessed through a semen analysis which is a routine fertility examination done for couples who are suspected of having fertility problems. It is common practice for the semen analysis to take place after investigations are done to ensure that the woman has no fertility issues.

Before an IUI is performed the doctor must confirm that the female's fallopian tubes are open and healthy and that she is releasing eggs that are viable for conception. The fallopian tubes may be examined through a test known as an HSG. Blood hormone tests are used to determine the quality of her eggs and the strength of her ovulation.

In addition to couples who are facing sperm count and quality issues single women, single men and same-sex couples also use this method to extend their families. Single males and male same-sex couples enlist the assistance of a surrogate while female couples and single women typically rely on donor sperm. This method of conception is clearly paving a way for non-traditional families to thrive.

Like many other ART treatments, IUI increases the chance for the conception of multiples. Couples and individuals who opt for this route to conception, therefore, must be prepared for this possibility. Fertility doctors often provide some amount of counseling in preparation for this. The chance for multiples is more significant when ovulation induction is included and so for those who wish to reduce this likelihood induction of ovulation could be eliminated if possible.

The modern age has seen numerous changes in the human experience. Fertility is no exception to this as alternative roads to conception such as IUIs are making a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world. Infertility is just one of the ancient problems for humanity that has met its match through modern science and technology.

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