How To Be Healthy With Gluten Free Recipes

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How To Be Healthy With Gluten Free Recipes

By Charles Murphy

Finding out that you are allergic to gluten is not always that fun because it means you have big adjustments to make. It is time to stay away from the pasta and pizza. You have to be strong and say no to cake at the next party. This can be particularly tough for kids. However, with the amount of gluten free recipes and other resources online, you will find that the adjustment is easier than you think.

Not only are there things like smoothies, wraps, delicious salads and creatives dinners with loaded sweet potatoes you can make, but you don't have to give away your treats either. Parents can assure their kids that they will still be able to have the odd pudding to look forward to after dinner. This is especially a good thing when one is just diagnosed with the allergy and you need a reward.

Of course, there is more work to do. You have to learn how to be more creative in the kitchen. You have to constantly experiment with new ideas. When you continue to eat the same things, you will be miserable. There is so much that you can do. There are so many resources available. Soon you will forget about the allergy and the pizza that you are missing.

There are a variety of pesto and condiments which one can add to a salad. Use sun dried tomatoes, avo and different types of blue cheese. Use fruit as well for something completely different. However, you need to go easy on the fruit because of the sugar that it contains. This is a whole meal that can be served up for dinner as well

Adults will have more trouble adapting to this new way of life because they have got into a habit of eating in a particular way with certain food types that they are accustomed to. Children can quickly adjust to something new, especially when parents are encouraging and try and make the food as exciting and tasty at the same time.

Because there are less carbohydrates that one consumes, you tend to crave less food until the next meal comes along. You tend not to pick up weight because of the lack of carbohydrates. Of course you do need some of these, especially when you are leading an active lifestyle. Things like sweet potato and wraps are something to think about. Eggs will also be a good idea.

In the winter months, there is nothing better than tucking into a nice stew or soup. This could be something chunky such as beef with a mixture of vegetables, braised with onions. You could have a smooth tomato sauce as well, with a touch of pesto. If you want to turn this into something creamy, just add coconut milk.

There are many delicious salads which are gluten free. These are perfect for taking to the office and can also be packed in a lunch box. You can use ingredients from the dinner the night before. There are various dressings which are free to use as well. Try to be creative and avoid sticking to the same old green salads.

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