Protecting The Joints By Taking Deer Antler Pills

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Protecting The Joints By Taking Deer Antler Pills

By David Hill

More than a hundred different types of arthritis are in existence, health professionals confirm. Some of them are simply more common than the rest. Leading the list is what's called osteoarthritis, and it is estimated that nearly 21 million adult US residents are suffering from it these days. There are many supplements available for preventing this joint disease and also keeping it from progressing, and some very popular examples are deer antler pills.

Also known as degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis is very common in the elderly. This is the reason why it is sometimes referred to as wear-and-tear arthritis. The unstoppable process of aging can cause the cartilage to disintegrate naturally.

However, even younger people are susceptible to ending up with osteoarthritis, according to experts. For instance, individuals who are into sports are regarded as at high risk of winding up with this type of arthritis. Joints that used to be injured are highly prone to developing the problem. Even non-athletes may suffer from osteoarthritis, too, most especially if they tend to overuse some of their joints.

Health authorities say that the so-called weight-bearing joints are the ones that usually develop osteoarthritis. Some examples of them include the ankles, knees, hips and also lower back. Such is the case as those weight-bearing joints are always exposed to a lot of stress.

This is why it's not a good idea for any osteoarthritis suffer to gain a lot of unnecessary weight. Your knees are in grave danger most especially if you are overweight or obese. Getting rid of excess body pounds can help keep your affected joints from becoming worse sooner than expected.

Osteoarthritis is actually a problem that's long-term or chronic. So in other words, there is no available drug or medical procedure that can make it go away for good. However, experts agree that it is very much possible to get it managed. The ultimate plan is to significantly slow down its progression in order to delay the showing up of various complications.

Getting rid of excess pounds is one of the steps that should be taken in order to fend off the worsening of the joint disease. It can be tempting for those who are battling osteoarthritis to stay in bed all the time. However, experts confirm that maintaining a fairly active lifestyle is more appropriate. It goes without saying that having mild to moderate exercises on a regular basis is a good idea.

Red meat, fast food and others that can promote inflammation should be eliminated from the diet. Foods that contain refined sugar and processed grains should be avoided as well. Experts highly suggest regular consumption of foods possessing anti-inflammatory properties. Some very good examples are nuts, seeds, avocados, ginger, turmeric, olive oil and fatty types of fish.

Currently, there are numerous supplements available for individuals who are suffering from osteoarthritis. Many of them are formulated to protect the affected cartilage from getting damaged further. Before taking any supplement, it's recommended for a consumer to first consult his or her primary health care provider.

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